Day: March 3, 2024

ALLspark core inscription ASK started trading at 14:00 on March 3, 2024 (UTC+8). The initial transaction value was 0.0000675USDT. The value stabilized to 0.000675USDT on that day, and the transaction frequency exceeded every minute/time.ASK represents a new track for Inscription to combine smart contracts and GameFI applications, and it will also mean that the Inscription […]
On December 21, 2023, CT Futures, a contract exchange (CT Exchange), announced its partnership with the well-known crypto institution Railone to launch its own cryptocurrency debit card, the CT Card. This card supports various mainstream cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and Doge. It has been accepted by 46 million merchants across 200 countries and regions, […]