Category: News

The cryptocurrency exchange is always playing an important role in the industry, and the security of platforms is highly related to the security of investors’ assets. From the very beginning, the collapse of cryptocurrency exchanges continuously comes up: for example: Due to the hack event, Mt.Gox has lost 850,000 Bitcoins and finally filed for bankruptcy, […]
0x is the starting address of the public chain, which stands for the blockchain industry. 90 in the 0x90 is the label for the age of the company team, which is an international blockchain incubator company founded by the team 90s with many years of experience. That's where 0x90 comes from. Since 2017, the 0x90 […]
The cryptocurrency exchange is always playing an important role in the industry, and the security of platforms is highly related to the security of investors’ assets. From the very beginning, the collapse of cryptocurrency exchanges continuously comes up: for example: Due to the hack event, Mt.Gox has lost 850,000 Bitcoins and finally filed for bankruptcy, […]
NFT is called Non-Fungible Token, which is indivisible, irreplaceable, and unique. The opposite of non-Fungible is Fungible. So, what is Fungible?   It’s simple! For example, if I have a $100 and you have a $100, at this moment, there is no difference between your $100 and my $100, they can also be exchanged, and […]
The Musk Knight Club (DAO) has officially unveiled a global plan to create a DAO that acts like a mutual fund to fund Stock it and other projects. All stakeholders could participate, and voting rights existed in the Musk Knights Club, which includes NFT holders, can bring their funding proposals to market, which tells how […]
MetaTrads is an emerging dark horse in the NFT trading platform. With the improvement of MetaTrads’ popularity, MetaTrads’ ecosystem has achieved sound development, and the building of MetaTrads’ platform reputation has been put on the agenda. The MetaTrads team has a lot to say about how MetaTrads builds its reputation.   First, adhere to the […]
With the popularity of the crypto market, the market focus is no longer limited to the top mainstream currencies, but is gradually spreading to the emerging cryptocurrencies and networks – a more eye-catching and imaginative space. At the same time, for these new types of cryptocurrencies or digital assets, market acceptance is becoming greater and […]
Hi, MetaTrads fans in Discord! I am Bill who represents MetaTrads in the Discord community, and we’re thrilled to have Rebecca, the Director of Marketing in MetaTrads, join us in our AMA! Hi, my name is Rebecca and I’m glad to be here with all of you! I’m sure a lot of people are excited […]
On May 20, Elliott, head of MetaTrads Asia, visited the nightshade community and held an AMA event to learn more about MetaTrads. Here is a recap of the AMA event: 1. Recently when we think of NFT, we think of MetaTrads, how did MetaTrads come about? We all know that NFTs are very popular, but […]
In recent years, with the boom of NFT market, the competition for NFT trading platforms has become increasingly fierce. MetaTrads is a new NFT trading platform, which stands out in the NFT trading market with its novel model. Not long ago, MetaTrads officially announced that the MetaTrads platform intends to launch its official NFT, which is […]